The Drag-Along

You're only in this because everyone else is and/or you don't really have a choice in the matter. Maybe you got drafted, maybe you were even hauled in from some remote place you'd really rather be, or maybe you're the Chosen One who alone has the power to fight the evil. Whatever it is, you're stuck in it now and you have no choice but to get your superhero on. Many heroes start out as drag-alongs and end up becoming another type. Examples of drag-alongs include Bruce Banner (the 2012 Avengers film) and Sailor Moon (early in the anime).

The Pros:

Depends on the circumstances, and whether you can figure out how to make lemons into lemonade. If you're really committed to staying out of the fray and play your cards right, you might be able to be a super employee.

The Cons:

Whether you really want to be or not, you’re in this.

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