The Volunteer Superhero

The volunteer superhero usually has a regular dayjob, but when things get serious, suits up and goes out to assist as needed. The volunteer superhero does not habitually look out or patrol for trouble. (That's the vigilante superhero.) Examples of volunteer superheroes include Thor, Superman, the Fantastic Four and Sailor Moon (manga).

The Pros:

Being a superhero isn’t your entire life/career; you (will hopefully) have more freedom and more options available to you.

The Cons:

You’ll have to pay for your own supplies/emergency care, unless you’re part of a team or have a sponsor who can help you with that. If you have a secret identity, you’ll have to balance your day job and your superhero activities. Disregarding that means risking being fired, caught, or worse - exposed! In any case you’ll also have to make sure you keep good PR with the public and try to stay on relatively good terms with any other superheroes you run into. Volunteers should also be aware that they can very easily find themselves becoming vigilantes.

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