The Mercenary Superhero

The mercenary superhero differs from the professional in that xe is self-employed. Reasons for this can range from necessity (basic necessities and gear don’t pay for themselves) to greed. Examples of mercenary heroes include Deadpool and Paladin.

The Pros:

You're your own boss - you're not accountable to anyone, and you have free choice over which jobs you take.

The Cons:

You could find yourself in legal trouble eventually depending on what jobs you accept or how far you’ll go to get them done. Even if you try to be careful in covering your tracks, you'll slip up eventually. Some of the jobs you’re offered could be morally questionable, and at the end of the day you have to decide if the money is really worth the trouble and the burden on your conscience. Even if you really want to do good in the world, sometimes the people who need your help the most won’t be able to pay you, and every job you do for free means incurring more operating costs and losses while not being able to spend time on actual paying jobs. Sure, you might be left with a warm and fuzzy feeling afterward, but warm and fuzzy feelings don’t pay the bills, put food on the table, or buy the supplies you need to carry out your job.

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