Deity-Development Questions

Questions to help you develop better gods, goddesses, and deities of indeterminate gender for your world's pantheons and mythologies.

  • Is the deity concerned with mortal morality, or even mortal action in general? If so, how much?
  • How does the deity prefer to be honored/worshiped?
  • Does the deity demand offerings? If so, what kind of offerings and when?
  • If the deity interacts with people, does xe do so directly or indirectly? Why?
  • Is it necessary to be a certain type of person to become a follower of this deity - eg, be a certain sex or belong to a specific tribe or culture?
  • How does one become a follower of this deity? Is a simple declaration of faith sufficient, or is an initiation ceremony required?
  • Does this deity offer any kind of afterlife to xir followers? If so, what is it like? Is it conditional or unconditional?
  • How does the deity feel about people who don't worship/honor/follow xir?
  • Does the deity demand exclusive worship from followers? Or does xe prefer it, but tolerate the worship of other deities? Or does xe have no preference on the matter?
  • Which deities or higher beings are this deity's greatest rivals, and why? How much of a threat do they pose?
  • Which deities or higher beings are this deity's greatest allies, and why? How much of an advantage do they give?
  • Is this deity responsible (or believed to be responsible) for creating or inventing anything?
  • Are any animals or plants sacred to this deity? Why?
  • Are any places sacred to this deity? Why?
  • Is anything else sacred to this deity? Why?
  • Does your diety have any favorite foods, activities, etc? What are they?
  • Are there any holidays dedicated to this deity? If so, how are they celebrated?
  • When did mortals first become aware of this deity? How did it happen?
  • How has this deity's popularity changed over time? Why has it changed?
  • Is the deity married? To whom? What does xir spouse or spouses do?
  • Is the diety a parent? To whom? What does xir child/children do?
  • Does the deity have any other family? What are they like? What do they do?
  • What acheivements or deeds is this deity most loved for doing? Why did xe do them?
  • What deeds has this deity committed that are considered immoral or reprehensible? Why did xe do them?
  • What traits, actions, or deeds does the deity find desirable or worthy of reward? Why?
  • What traits, actions, or deeds does the deity find undesirable or worthy of punishment? Why?

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Random Deity Generator
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