What fantasy creature are you?
1. Would you rather... Fly through the air Swim through the water Run through the forest Stalk through the city Hole up in a dark room
2. Which of these are your best known for, or if not applicable, sounds the most fun? Flirting Frolicking about in nature Taking care of Mother Earth Being a great hunter Sucking the life out of everything. Jumping out at people and scaring them.
3. Do you prefer daytime or nighttime? Daytime. Nighttime.
4. Who are you happiest hanging out with? Anyone I find attractive Children and the young at heart Hippies and environmentalists My family Goths, punks, and other outliers of society. Nobody. I hang by myself.
5. Pick the color scheme that sounds most appealing: Blue, turquoise, and orange. Pink, yellow, purple, and green. Green and brown. Black, midnight blue, and white. Black and red. Black and... well, black.
6. What kind of pet do you or would you like to have? A fish. A bird. A rabbit. A dog. A cat. Uhhhh... what about lintballs?
7. Which of these do people complain about you the most? You're too vain. You're too childish and flighty. You're too sensitive. You're too territorial. You're all take and no give. You're not sociable enough.
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